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Econ 3788 Economics & Business Statistics I
The course will introduce students to basic statistical concepts and
techniques for analyzing business and economic data. Emphasis will be placed
on applied statistics as it relates to the collection, organization,
analysis, and interpretation of data. Because the real world in which
decisions are made is replete with uncertainty, student will learn how to
use probability
theory and distributions to assess uncertainty in the decision-making process.
Not only will students master basic statistical techniques and related
concepts, they will also learn data analytics through problems-solving using hand-calculation and Microsoft Excel. At
the end of the course students should have a good understanding of the
potential as well as the limitations of statistics in the decision-making process. Econ
3789 Economics & Business Statistics II
The course builds upon the knowledge already acquired in Econ 3788
by covering more statistical concepts and
techniques for analyzing business and economic data. Topics includes
regression analysis (Simple and multiple) and other modern methods of data
analytics which are crucial in the decision-making process. Students will
learn how to solve problems through manual computation in addition to using
Microsoft Excel.
Econ 3790 Lab Economics &
Business Statistics Workshop
The course is a continuation of econ 3790 with the emphasis on computer application
using Excel 2007 to analyze business and economic data. The goal is
to help students explore and analyze data in an orderly fashion in a
computer lab environment. The manual that is used in the course provides
students with the opportunity to solve statistical problems and analyze
cases with the real world data.
Econ 5824 Applied Time
Series Analysis and Forecasting
The course provides an in-depth analysis of economic and business time series
data. Several time series models and their applications to problems are examined.
Throughout, emphasis is on forecasting using standard computer programs.
Econ 5853 Applied
The course is an introduction to the practice of econometrics. Students
will learn how to use econometric techniques to quantify causal economic relationships
with applications in the private and public sectors. Emphasis is placed on model
construction, estimation using standard econometrics software, and on the interpretation
of the estimated results. Although the course integrates the use of personal
computer and econonometric software within the discussion of the subject material, no
programming ability is required.
Econ 6900 Statistical
A survey of the fundamental statistical concepts and techniques used in business
and economics with special emphasis on the interpretation and uses of statistical analysis
in business and economic decision-making.
Econ 6904 Quantitative
Methods in Economics
The course is designed to equip graduate students with the necessary
quantitative skills that are required for a successful completion of the graduate-level
economic theory sequence and econometrics. The course also prepares the students for
advanced degree (Ph.D) program in economics.
Econ 6976 Econometrics
The course is designed to acquaint graduate students with the cutting-edge
econometric techniques that are useful for estimating causal economic relationships. The
objectives include (1) analysis of the effects of exogenous factors on the variable whose
behavior we seek to explain, (2) testing of hypotheses about new and existing economic
theories, and (3) forecasting estimated economic relationships beyond the sample period
for the purpose of planning and control. The course will focus on the practice of
econometrics with extensive applications to a variety of real-world problems in many areas
of economics.
Econ 2610 Principles of Microeconomics
The course is designed to give students an understanding of how markets work and how they
allocate resources to meet producers' and consumers' needs. As part of this goal we will discuss how
prices serve as signals to firms as to which products they should produce, and how profits
provide firms with incentives to change the amount produced. Also, we will discuss how
non-competitive market structures can cause too much
or too little of a good or a service to be produced -- resulting in
misallocation of productive resources in the economy.
Econ 2630 Principles of Macroeconomics
The course is designed to meet two broad objectives. First,
students will learn the intricate inter-relatedness and the performance of the economy as a whole
at the national level by
becoming familiar with the key concepts of GDP, unemployment/employment
and inflation;
and also why inflation and unemployment are considered the twin evils of any economy.
Second, they will learn the causes/sources of short-run business
fluctuations and how policy makers use the instruments of fiscal and monetary policies to keep the economy moving
along a stable long-run growth path.
Stat 2601 Introductory Statistics
The course is designed for students from different
disciplines who desire an introduction to statistical reasoning and
applications. Students
will be introduced to basic statistical concepts and
techniques for analyzing data in a variety of applications. Emphasis will be placed
on applied statistics as it relates to the collection, organization,
analysis, and interpretation of data. Because the real world in which
decisions are made is replete with uncertainty, students will learn how to
use probability
theory and distributions to assess uncertainty in the decision-making process.
Not only will students master basic statistical techniques and related
concepts, they will also learn data analytics through problems-solving using hand-calculation and Microsoft Excel. At
the end of the course students should have a good understanding of the
potential as well as the limitations of statistics in the decision-making process.
Prereq.: Math 1507 or Level 40 on
the Math Placement Test. 3.s.h.
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